Three years ago Rangers Catcher, Gerald Laird, donated his kidney to Rangers Replay host, Mike O'Gulnik. And since then when Gerald comes to bat, we in the Snake pit have always said, "One kidney, does it all!" in unison.
Last Sunday, was Fan Photo Day. Bring your camera and go out on the field and take pictures of the Ranger players. My daughter, Aubrey and I hit the field with 1,000 or so, other fans. Later that night I unloaded my camera and looked at the pictures I had taken of Aubrey with players. (See posted photo, cropped for closer look.)
I looked closer at picture with Gerald and I couldn't believe what I saw! Not only is he minus a kidney....He's cross-eyed!!!
How did I go this long without noticing that? Better yet, how did it get passed Vikki?
Well, we had to change up our chant for Gerald. Now we'd say "One kidney, cross-eyed, does it all!"
Until, Yesterday, when Gerald played third base, with Vazquez at shortstop, because Michael Young was out with a strained ring-finger. - I heard he popped Ponson for getting in Kinsler's face about an error..........or he hurt it weight lifting.
Well, we had to yet again change up our chant for Laird. Now we say, "One kidney, cross-eyed, playing third, really does do it all!"
I can't wait till he starts pitching! This man is amazing. Lets not forget he's also Hispanic. I didn't know this till I saw his picture on the Hispanic Heritage Poster the Rangers handed out. Hmm
What a guy! Sorry ladies, I hear he's taken. He finally married the "Baby-Momma."
I would like to add that this blog is slightly embelished.
Embelished ever so slightly..
You beat me to it! I have been sooo busy & my computer or should I say my wireless connection is misbeavhing!
I too am amazed at how far he's come with one kidney & cross-eyed.
Bless his heart, I am going to put him on my prayer list!
Vikki (who missed it totally & rarely misses on the need to know)
I had no idea about the kidney thing. Gives me a whole new perspective on Gerald.
And, apparently, he and I have something in common. We both have a lazy eye. It happens to pretty cool people :)
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