Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vampires in the Bullpen

Erin and I have recently noticed a very odd phenomenon in the Ballpark. There appears to be vampires in the bullpen, perhaps even in the clubhouse. That has to explain the nasty bite marks on the necks of a couple pitchers.

We would like to investigate further and have a few questions. IF given the opportunity to talk to a few of the players here are the responses we anticipate getting....

The question is: Have you noticed the bruising from possible bite marks on two of your pitchers necks and how do you think they got there?

Answers: (hypothetical of course)

Gerald Laird: Bruising, there may be several bruises on Scotty tonight..No wait, let me look out of my good eye..oh yes..there is idea how it got there. I have to go catch or play third, 0h wait, I am on the DL will just sit this out.

Marlon Bryd: Not gonna answer that unless you do the "bird" for me..

Parker Brothers: It's the work of the white devil. Let's all hate on him together

Salty: Yes I saw them, no idea what happened ( do you know my curls are natural??)..can Vikki come out & play???

Michael Young: I am sorry, I cannot comment. I am way too diplomatic!

Frankie Francisco: Si, I saw el mark on Scotty, pero no tengo an idea como it got there. Vampiros? No me gusto vampiros, you tengo una chair I can throw at the vampiro.

David Murphy: uhhh..okay. Maybe. Could be (was that Murphy???)

Josh Hamilton: I saw them, God love him bless his heart, he's on my prayer list. I don't believe in vampires. Perhaps there are some trashy women running around, I'll pray for them too.(Salty, leave Vikki alone..her curls are mine!!!)

Kam Loe: Dude, are you talking about me? It's along road trip yoyoing between OKC & Arlington, no vampires in my low rider!

Washington:LM?:sjwafdhsa freajfxwjceewkhrejcaefxaejjgcnfkjgk fdjng kdjfkfdjgk (we are not exactly sure what he said, but that's close)

C.J. Wilson: Is this a political discussion? Is it a trick question involving the upgrading of the Jumbotron? I best "shut up & pitch"

Blalock: I have not seen a thing, however I am oft injured and haven't seen the majors in awhile. I am scared to comment, my luck is bad enough.

Kinsler: I don't feel like talking or smiling. Vampires would never bother me, I am fractious.

So, we never really got a straight answer on the bite marks, but my bet is a hickey.

Come on boys aren't you just a little bit old for that? Don't make me bust out my "mommy" lecture on how tacky you really look!

A special thanks to Erin for pointing it out from her high def TV..I sat on my coffee table and squinted until I saw it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

One Kidney Does it all!

Three years ago Rangers Catcher, Gerald Laird, donated his kidney to Rangers Replay host, Mike O'Gulnik. And since then when Gerald comes to bat, we in the Snake pit have always said, "One kidney, does it all!" in unison.

Last Sunday, was Fan Photo Day. Bring your camera and go out on the field and take pictures of the Ranger players. My daughter, Aubrey and I hit the field with 1,000 or so, other fans. Later that night I unloaded my camera and looked at the pictures I had taken of Aubrey with players. (See posted photo, cropped for closer look.)

I looked closer at picture with Gerald and I couldn't believe what I saw! Not only is he minus a kidney....He's cross-eyed!!!

How did I go this long without noticing that? Better yet, how did it get passed Vikki?

Well, we had to change up our chant for Gerald. Now we'd say "One kidney, cross-eyed, does it all!"

Until, Yesterday, when Gerald played third base, with Vazquez at shortstop, because Michael Young was out with a strained ring-finger. - I heard he popped Ponson for getting in Kinsler's face about an error..........or he hurt it weight lifting.

Well, we had to yet again change up our chant for Laird. Now we say, "One kidney, cross-eyed, playing third, really does do it all!"

I can't wait till he starts pitching! This man is amazing. Lets not forget he's also Hispanic. I didn't know this till I saw his picture on the Hispanic Heritage Poster the Rangers handed out. Hmm

What a guy! Sorry ladies, I hear he's taken. He finally married the "Baby-Momma."

I would like to add that this blog is slightly embelished.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hank Who?

A little back ground.....

Two years ago I was a little excited to get to a Rough Riders game to see Hank Blalock's little brother play ball. We went early to try and get autographs from the players before the game.
The lesser Blalock was signing so, Aubrey and I rushed over to get his autograph. He got right to Aubrey who was about 9 years old at the time and looked at her and said "That's it I got to go."

I understand having to go, a ball player needs to stretch before a game. (see above) We stayed where we were and after a few minutes he returned to sign some more. He got to Aubrey and again said "That's it"
I told Aubrey that I didn't think his britches were big enough to be big leaguing her like that. TWICE!

She didn't care... I did. Fast forward a few weeks and Hank is signing before a Rangers game. Aubrey and I wait for him to get down the short line of people to us. He signs for Aubrey and looks at me and says "That's it I got to go."
I was the only one left, there was no one after me. He big leagued me!!

That was it I had had it with the Blalock brothers. Hank was now DEAD to me. Every time Hank was announced before his at bat as well as merely mentioned, I always asked "Who?"
Hank began to struggle offensively. Vikki even resorted to bringing an IV line for him cause he was weak and thready. It didn't help much.

Hank seems to be on the DL quite consistently now days. hmmm And where is the lesser Blalock? How's he coming along in the minors?

Personally I don't think we need Hank anymore, we seem to be doing just fine without him. Third base is covered. Hank volunteers to play first and oops there goes the DL again.
I'm thinking he's a good DFA candidate.

Don't big league me, it doesn't set well.