Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Curse of the Yankees

The Yankess carry bad juju. No, I don't mean we can't beat them, because we can (and will). I mean every time they hit the DFW area, my life goes to hell and quickly.

Flash back three years. I am living in Coppell. The Yankee's land their "death star" at our airport as lightening strikes all around the DFW area. Torrential storms ensue and lightening hits my computer modem is fried, new computer down the tubes! Flip on the TV, oh wait.... the dish has been fried too! Coincidence? Uh okay, maybe.

The next year, the "death star" lands as torrential storms ensue, that manifest into tornadoes. The Snakepit is held hostage in the tunnel below the Ballpark with 30,000 obnoxious Yankee fans yelling some satanic chant regarding 26 rings. Craig's loses his glasses and Aubrey loses glasses and a cell phone. Coincidence.. humm, I am beginning to wonder?

This week. Here comes the "death star" and all of their front running never been to NY in their lives obnoxious fans in tow. But maybe this year is different. The ratio has shifted. The Ranger fans are representing and we are not grossly out numbered. Ok, this is going to be alright.

Think again. We are spanked miserably 11-1, (Thank you Lava Lizard for that solo shot) at home in front of a sell out crowd. Oh well, it's only one game I am thinking as I grab a bite to eat and settle down for some Baseball Tonight. I hear a faint "pop" and nothing. My TV has completely died, no life at all. Ok, it's an inconvenience but I'll bring the one from the bedroom into the living room. It's going to be ok.

Wednesday night, I gave my Yankee tickets away as I have other plans. I race home to change shirts since I had a very unfortunate incident with ketchup (I don't eat ketchup) at lunch. In my haste to get moving I backed into a full grown Magnolia tree, not only denting the top of my car, but shattering the back window. Please top it off with the smoke alarm blaring at 4:00AM.

There is no coincidence involved. The Yankee's carry bad juju. Let's just beat up on them tonight & send them packing. Besides, I cannot afford to replace anything else!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hottest Men in Baseball! (?)

I no sooner hit the door at the office today until my coworkers pointed out a post on MSN Homepage. Something that would certainly get my attention. The Hottest Men in Baseball.
I never missed a beat, I had the page opened & was pouring over the pictures. I paused and oohh & ahhed over Sizemore, Zito and Wright. Nice and shiny objects, worthy of the hottest men category. Then it was over, the pictures were done. Where were MY boys? I'm sorry but how accurate can a story like this be without a picture of Salty, Ian, Michael, Chris, Josh or CJ?
Even Teagarden & Holland ( Yes..Rachel....Holland) are pretty boys!

The Ladies of the Snakepit have long maintained that even if we don't have the best team, (which we just may have this year) we have the best looking team!

I cannot believe this oversight. Fox Sports you may want to take a step back and rethink your slide show. There are some very hot men playing some very hot baseball in Texas. Just take a look!